Wednesday, July 8, 2009

volume one (7.3.09)

first ever show.

(tip for viewing videos better: view it on "full screen" mode to see the whole frame, it's the little button on the bottom right of each video box)

lettuce park:
[currently down]

dave and octie:


this was our shakedown cruise

what is.... the BATCAVE? a beginner's guidelines

it's where batman keeps all his shit


a small d.i.y. performance space for small performance acts to perform their performances, whatever that performance may be... stand up? improv comedy? plays? performance art? film screenings? bands/musical acts? anything of that sort.

a couple a rules:
-no fighting. dancing is not fighting. if you take an arm to the face then word, think of it as a batcave souvenir. just as long as that arm wasnt thrown with an evil intention. be cool but go fuckin nuts; in other words, do what you like but be considerate.
*if you MUST scrap, do it in the street and NOT in my house please
-absolutely no shady shit... the idea of the batcave, in spite of its dark appearance, is an idea of justice, equality, unity, awesomenes, music, art, and inclusion... everyone is everyone's friend,and if not then at least don't be enemies.
-beer (pbr) will be sold $2 a can.... or $7.25 for unlimited beer. but if you're smashed you get thrown out on ellsworth st. (or tucked into a sleeping bag off in the corner)
-also hot dogs are $1 a dog
-the upstairs is strictly OFF LIMITS... (except for the restroom).
the upper floor belongs to bruce wayne, who is a very important man and doesn't want his shit to be publicly accessible... it's not to be rude or non-inclusive (all the including goes on in the basement-AHEM-batcave) but there IS such a thing as personal space and privacy... if you came to the batcave for such a thing, well, thats retarded- why'd you leave you're own home to have privacy? dont make much sense....
-whether you're arriving or departing, only have in your possession what actually belongs to JUST YOU.
but everyone who's been to kindergarten should fucking know that already....
and if you didnt go to kindergarten you know now. :)
-also, if you have rude comments or anything, feel free to express them... but also realize if you offend any of the performers they have total existential rights to throw down and give you beatings (in the street). also if you truly hate the performances then why the fuck are you even here? just be considerate. if you have negative comments you wish the express the preferred method of hate is to email us at
-we do have jason who is our secret weapon/bouncer and a boxer (and a good one at that) so if shit goes down, he will be that guy grabbing you by your shirts and escorting you out and onto the streets. sorry, but we have to maintain some sort of order.
but thats all worse-case-scenario shit.

the most important rule is...

hope to see ya'll soon.....
